I have dreamed about my wedding day for years. It has taken many different forms and there have been many crazy ideas. A movie themed wedding where the aisle is a red carpet! An animal themed wedding (there simply must be an elephant)! Let’s say our vows while skydiving and then land in front of our friends and family to say, “I do!” (Yes, I know this essentially happened on Full House already).
As Dennis will tell you, my brain is prone to wild imaginings and fits of fancy. At one point I wanted a huge, elegant, royal style wedding with funny hats (maybe I still want funny hats). But I have also seriously considered simply standing before the Justice of the Peace, just me, Dennis, and 2 close friends. Also, Vegas.
- Movie themed wedding
- Who wouldn’t want an elephant?
- Skydive wedding
- Funny hats!
- City hall wedding
- This could have been us!
Dennis, on the other hand, has no such fantasies. As he put it, “The wedding is for you. I’m not worried about the details. I’m already committed to you. The only thing I want is for it to be small, and not cost too much.” So, out with the elephant and the royal, Elizabethan extravaganza. Dennis is not fond of heights, so out with the skydiving, too. I’ve out grown the movie theme idea and Vegas, while probably a lot of fun, really wouldn’t be our style. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with a simple wedding. It should be easy and relatively cheap, right?
As I’m beginning to learn, weddings, regardless of their size, are anything but easy (and they certainly aren’t cheap)! At the end of the day, though, it will be perfect because it will be me, Dennis, and the people we love, celebrating a huge moment in our lives, on the Oregon coast. And there still might be some funny hats.